Agenda Item Title:
Parks and Recreation presenting information regarding options for Alta Canyon Recreation Center for Council discussion
Dan Medina, Parks & Recreation Director
Stephanie Juhl, Chair, Alta Canyon Citizen Advisory Committee
The purpose of this agenda item is to move towards a decision as to how the Council would like to proceed with the design for the Alta Canyon Sports Center. In the September 20, 2022 Council meeting, Resolution 22-43C Amended was passed. A portion of that resolution allocated $3,000,000 towards the Alta Canyon Architectural Design. To spend these funds wisely, a decision needs to be made to either construct a new building or remodel the existing building and add additional space.
Fiscal Impact:
As detailed in the summary.
Further action to be taken:
The Council will need to determine how to proceed with the design for the Alta Canyon Sports Center during a future meeting.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
This is an informational report that requires no council action.