Agenda Item Title:
Second Reading: Council Member Robinson recommending amendments to the City Ordinance on Short Term Rentals
Zach Robinson, Council District 3
On March 26, 2024 Council Member Robinson held a first reading regarding proposed amendments to current short-term rental regulations. At that time the Council provided Mr. Robinson with feedback on his proposal. Since then, Mr. Robinson has worked with city and council staff to update his proposal. Attached to this item you will the find the culmination of those efforts.
Further action to be taken:
The attached redline amendments to the current Short Term Rental Ordinance are meant to be the councils suggested changes. Ultimately, as these amendments require an update to the Land Development Code, they will need to go through the standard land development code amendment process (i.e. staff review/edits, Planning Commission review/edits and hearing, Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council, Council review/edits, and Council final adoption.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
Motion directing staff to review and then move the attached proposed amendments to the Short Term Rental Ordinance through the standard Land Development Code amendment process.