Agenda Item Title:
Community Development Department presenting the 886 E. 7800 S. Rezone Application (File #REZ06212024-006789), submitted by Andrew Gutierrez, requesting that two parcels (0.93 acres) be rezoned from the R-1-8 Zone to the RM(10) Zone.
Jake Warner,
Long Range Planning Manager
Andrew Gutierrez, on behalf of Utah Home Advisors. (Applicant), is requesting a change of zone district on property located at 886 E. 7800 S. from the R-1-8 Zone ("Single-Family Residential District") to the RM (10) Zone ("Residential Multi-family District"). A concept plan shows 9 proposed townhomes on the property.
A neighborhood meeting was held on November 7, 2024. Five people attended and asked questions about fencing, rodent control, property maintenance, the height of the units, traffic, and the number of units. The application was presented to the Planning Commission on November 21, 2024. The Planning Commission, by a unanimous vote, forwarded a positive recommendation to the City Council to approve the application.
Fiscal Impact:
It is Staff's opinion that, based on the concept plan, the fiscal impact of the proposed project to the City would be minimal.
Further action to be taken:
The action requested by the Application is a legislative item. As such, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will make the final determination regarding the Application. If the rezone is approved, a separate subdivision application would be required to be submitted. Subdivision applications, following review by City staff, are presented to the Planning Commission for approval. The Application is scheduled to be presented to the City Council for a decision on December 17, 2024
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
The agenda item, as presented on December 10, 2024, is for informational purposes.