Agenda Item Title:
Council considering whether to rebuild or remodel the Alta Canyon Sports Center
Zach Robinson, Council Chair
Dan Medina, Parks & Recreation Director
The purpose of this agenda item is to move towards a decision as to how the Council would like to proceed with the design for the Alta Canyon Sports Center. In the September 20, 2022 Council meeting, Resolution 22-43C Amended was passed. A portion of that resolution allocated $3,000,000 towards the Alta Canyon Architectural Design. To spend these funds wisely, a decision needs to be made to either construct a new building or remodel the existing building and add additional space. On November 8, 2022 The Alta Canyon Advisory Committee provided the Council with its recommendation to rebuild, not remodel, the facility. On December 6, 2022 the Council tabled this decision to a date after January 1, 2023.
Taking all of the information, reports, data, and recommendations that they have received up to this point. Tonight, the Council will discuss and consider whether to rebuild or remodel the center.
Further action to be taken:
Following a decision by the council, whether to rebuild or remodel Alta Canyon, the administration will take steps towards an architectural design for the Center. Additional conversations will be held over the coming months related to the details of the design process and funding mechanisms for the Center.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
Motion to adopt Resolution 23-02C, directing administration to move forward with an architectural design to (rebuild OR remodel) the Alta Canyon Sports Center.