Agenda Item Title:
Council Member Stroud recommending that the Council interview Parry Harrison to serve as a regular member of the Sandy City Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Committee
The City Council makes eight appointments to the CDBG Committee. Presently, the Council has two vaccant appointments, one regular member and one alternate member. Council Member Stroud, as one of the Council Liaison's to the CDBG Committee is proposing that Parry Harrison be appointed as a regular member.
Further action to be taken:
During a future meeting, following tonight's interview, the council may adopt a resolution appointing Mr. Harrison as a regular member of the CDBG committee for a term expiring on June 30, 2027 . Tonight, the Council may choose to close the meeting in order to discuss the character, competency, physical or mental health of an individual.
Recommended Action:
The City Council Office recommends the City Council conduct a detailed interview with the proposed candidate. However, any discussion of the candidates character and/or competency should take place during a closed session.