Agenda Item Title:
Sandy Towns Rezone
1260 E. 8600 S.
[Community #7, Quarry Bend]
Jake Warner, Long Range Planning Manager
Riley Streit (applicant), on behalf of Miguel Ramos (property owner), is requesting a change of zone district on property located at 1270 E. 8600 S. from the CN Zone ("Planned Center-NeighborhoodDistrict") to the RM(12) Zone ("Residential Multi-family District"). A concept plan depicts the applicant's intent to develop two duplexes (four housing units).
See the attached staff report for additional information on this request.
Fiscal Impact:
It is Staff's opinion that, based on the concept plan, the fiscal impact of the proposed project to the City would be minimal.
Further action to be taken:
The action requested by the Application is a rezone, a legislative item, being presented to the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and to forward a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will make the final determination regarding the Application. If the rezone is approved, a separate application would be required to be submitted for review and approval of necessary improvements.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
1. Forward a positive recommendation, recommending that the City Council approve the application for a zone change from the CN Zone to the RM(12) Zone.
2. Forward a negative recommendation, recommending that the City Council not approve the zone change from the CN Zone to RM(12) Zone.
3. Table the decision for a future meeting.