Agenda Item Title:
Wasatch Pain Solutions Clinic
1420 Sego Lily Dr.
[Community #17, Willow Canyon]
Douglas L. Wheelwright, Development Services Manager
The applicant, Robert Howell, Architect, representing the property owner KCG Medical, is requesting review by the Planning Commission of a commercial site plan of the proposed medical office building on a currently vacant, 0.66-acre property, located at 1420 E. Sego Lily Dr. The Planning Commission is also being asked to determine whether a special exception to the requirements of the Sensitive Area Overlay Zone requirements be granted. See Exhibit A & B for the application materials.
See the attached staff report for full details of the request.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
Motion: The Planning Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine that Preliminary Commercial Site Plan Review is complete, based upon the following findings and subject to the following conditions of approval:
1. That the proposed building meets the requirements of building location, height, building mass and architectural design as required by the Sandy City Development Code and the Sandy City Architectural Design Standards.
2. That all City reviewing Departments and Divisions have recommended preliminary approval of the project, subject to standard City processes, and to completion of the Site Plan Review and the issuance of the building permit.
1. That all conditions and requirements of the reviewing City Departments and Divisions are met as determined by City Staff during the Final Site Plan Review process.
2. That the recommendations of staff and requirements of the Sandy City code section 21-25, Landscaping, and the Sandy City Architectural Design Standards, be met during the final site plan review p...
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