Agenda Item Title:
School Yard Subdivision Amendment (Preliminary Subdivision Review)
11020 S. State
[Community #9, Commercial Area]
Thomas Irvin, Senior Planner
The applicant, Karla Mata representing the owner, X School Yard, LLC, is requesting preliminary subdivision approval for the School Yard Subdivision Amended plat. The proposal consists of subdividing an L-shaped property into two separate lots.
The staff report and exhibits are attached for full details of this request.
Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine preliminary subdivision review is complete for the School Yard Subdivision Amended Plat located at 11020 S. State St. based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions:
1. That the proposed lot configuration is an efficient use of the land.
2. That the proposed lot configurations conform to the requirements of the CBD Zone.
3. That the various City Departments and Divisions have preliminarily approved the proposed subdivision plat.
1. That the applicant complies with each department’s comments and redlines throughout the final review process and that all issues be resolved before the subdivision can be recorded.
2. That all City provisions, codes, and ordinances are adhered to during the review, construction, and operations process of this project.
3. That cross access and shared parking easements be recorded between all four lots of the School Yard Subdivision to permit perpetual use of common drives, parking areas, and service areas at no cost to the adjacent property owners.
4. That a shared maintenance agreement be recorded between all four lots of the School Yard Subdivision to ensure tha...
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