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File #: SPEX-01-19-5593    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Planning Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/24/2019 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 5/2/2019 Final action:
Title: Firefly Forest Subdivision (Special Exception Requests) 3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle  [Community #29 - The Dell]
Attachments: 1. Staff Report.pdf, 2. Firefly Forest Subdivision Plans.pdf
Related files: SUB-12-18-5580, SUB-02-18-5360, SPEX-05-18-5406, SUB-12-18-5580(2nd), BOA-06-19-5674

Agenda Item Title:


Firefly Forest Subdivision (Special Exception Requests)

3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle 

[Community #29 - The Dell]




Mike Wilcox




The applicants, Lance & Robyn Platt, are requesting preliminary subdivision and Sensitive Area Overlay review for a proposed two (2) lot subdivision. This application is revised from the design   that was reviewed by the Planning Commission in May, 2018. The subject property is 3.039 acres in size and consists of one (1) existing lot and two (2) parcels. The proposed subdivision would create one new 1.89 acre lot (Lot 1), where the Platt’s would build a new home, out of two parcels that have not been created with a subdivision plat and are not yet considered buildable. It would amend the lot boundaries of an existing home (Lot 2). Lot 2 is included in the plat because the southern half of this lot was never legally split through a subdivision and is being incorporated into Lot 1.


See file SUB-12-18-5580 for a copy of the Staff Report and all other documentation.


Recommended Action and/or Suggested Motion:


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine that the following waivers and special exception requests be approved for the Firefly Forest Subdivision, located at approximately 3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle:

1.                     Waiver of sidewalk and parkstrip

2.                     Special Exceptions for lots without public frontage

This determination is based on the following findings:

1.                     The City Engineer and Fire Marshal recommend approving the special exceptions and waivers shown above from the Land Development Code requirements.

2.                     The criteria to approve the waiver and special exception as required in the code has been met in that the adjoining development has an existing precedent of no sidewalks or parkstrips, and is a private street.


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine that the following waivers and special exception requests be denied for the Firefly Forest Subdivision, located at approximately 3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle:

1.                     Waiver of curb and gutter

2.                     Special Exceptions for:

a.                     less than two (2) points of access

b.                     less than twenty-seven feet (27’) of asphalt width

c.                     length of cul-de-sac over 600 feet

This determination is based on the following findings:

1.                     The City Engineer does not recommend approving the special exceptions or waivers that have been requested from the City Development Code requirements.

2.                     The criteria to approve the Special Exceptions as required in the code have not been met in that the intent of the Standard Specifications and Details for Municipal Construction is not met in the proposal in that there is high potential for impairment of a single access road; there is no emergency access, nor stub street to provide secondary access; the geographical constraints of the site do not warrant deviations from public safety interests; and, the existing site conditions, and existing improvements are insufficient to ensure the health, safety, and welfare without further improvement.


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission determine that the preliminary subdivision and Sensitive Area Overlay zone reviews area are not complete for the Firefly Forest Subdivision, located at approximately 3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle, based on the following findings:

1.                     That the proposed subdivision does not meet city code requirements for private road design, two (2) points of ingress/egress, exceeds maximum lengths of cul-de-sac (or single access) roads of 600 feet in a SAO zone.

2.                     The City Engineer does not recommend approving the special exceptions that have been requested from the Land Development Code requirements.

3.                     The criteria to approve the special exceptions as required in the code have not been met.



*     *     *     *     *     *



If the Planning Commission disagrees with staff and would rather approve the proposed subdivision with one or all of the waivers or special exceptions that have been requested, the following is some recommended language:


That the Planning Commission determines that the preliminary subdivision and Sensitive Area Overlay zone reviews area are complete for the Firefly Forest Subdivision, located at approximately 3392 E. Deer Hollow Circle, and that the following waivers and special exception requests be approved:

1.                     Waiver of curb, gutter, parkstrip, and sidewalk

2.                     Special Exceptions for:

a.                     lots without public frontage

b.                     less than two (2) points of access

c.                     less than twenty-seven feet (27’) of asphalt width

d.                     length of cul-de-sac over 600 feet in SAO


This determination is based on the following findings and conditions:



1.                     (You’ll need to provide findings for each of the waivers and special exceptions that are to be approved based on the criteria listed above)




1.                     That the applicant complies with each department’s comments and redlines throughout the final review process and that all issues be resolved before the subdivision can be recorded.


2.                     That all City provisions, codes and ordinances are adhered to during the review, construction and operations process of this project, except as otherwise approved by waivers or special exceptions granted by the Planning Commission.


3.                     That all residential lots comply with all requirements of the R-1-40A zone, Wildland Urban Interface Area, and Sensitive Area Overlay zone.


4.                     That a vegetation plan be submitted to staff for final review.


5.                     That any area equal to or in excess of a 30% slope be indicated (crosshatched) on the final plat, and that perspective builders and homeowners be apprised of the restrictive nature of the hillside lots.


6.                     That the existing slope ratio be unaltered and that grading and landscaping of any of the hillside areas have approval of the Sandy City Engineering Division in accordance with the Sensitive Area Overlay Zone prior to building permits being issued.


7.                     That grading, home placement, and vegetation plans be submitted and approved for all lots prior to issuance of a building permit. The grading plan shall include a driveway plan and profile to assure conforming driveway slope. Any down sloping driveway will require approval by the City Engineer.


8.                     That structures comply with the Urban Wildland Interface requirements. This means that all homes and accessory structure be constructed of materials approved with a minimum of a one hour rated fire resistive construction on the exterior side or constructed with approved noncombustible materials. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis at building permit review. Also, that an approved noncombustible or fire treated roof covering be utilized for each home.


9.                     That homes be placed in a manner that minimizes the removal of vegetation on each property. Where it must be removed to accommodate a house, areas with the least mature vegetation should be prioritized for home locations over areas with more mature vegetation.


10.                     That compliance be made with the Sandy City Water Policy, e.g., water line extensions, connections, water rights, and fire protection.


11.                     That a shared maintenance and access agreement for Lots 1 and 2 be recorded with the plat for the shared private road, Firefly Circle.


12.                     That the private road, Firefly Circle, be installed as part of the subdivision improvements and be bonded as part of the subdivision improvements, and that the engineering and configuration of the driveway be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.


13.                     That the subdivision be brought back to the Planning Commission for Final Subdivision review.


14.                     All requirements of the International Fire Code be met for Deer Hollow Circle and Firefly Circle.